Backhand Materials latex

Backhand materials

For Goalkeeper Gloves

Materials types
& Details

Backhand Latex is the most important and cost effective part of the goalkeeper gloves. It is the back area of the gloves where the design inserted. Because Many Pros level goalkeepers like to choose the gloves by the material of backhand of the gloves.

So, that is why, you should need be very careful and be smart for choosing the backhand material of Gloves. If you are planning to start your own brand or running your own brand.

In this article, As the manufacturer and developer of goalkeeper gloves, We are going to tell you the about some materials for backhand of the gloves And highlight their uses as well as telling you about their compatibility.

There are some types of goalkeeper gloves backhand latex:

  1. EVA
  2. Lightweight
  3. High Foam
  4. Damboo / PK Latex
  5. Damboo 3mm
  6. PK Latex 4mm
  7. China Latex
  8. New Basic Latex
  9. Super Low Latex
  10. Neoprene
  11. Sereno
  12. Mesh
  13. Pique
  14. Prim-knit
  15. More



Do you know? Eva foam was the one of the most popular backhand materials. It’s mostly used for the shoes and also for flooring. It’s strong, durable but cheap material. With the using inside the shoes some brands decided to use them in their goalkeeper gloves backhand area. 


Its printing process is not as same as the other gloves materials. Because, Its printing requires more time and also more cost to be done. So that is why, For the better result of print, the manufactures need to print them via Line Table Printing.


It’s emboss-able. 


Lightweight foam is mostly used for Goalkeeper training gloves. It is 2mm latex foam and not more thicker but No more strong than others. Its very plain and smooth material but cheap. But also, It Can give you the very clear and detailed colors of printing. It is cost effective foam and also used for cheap gloves to take more control on the gloves cost.


2-2.5mm Sheet


Its printing process is very simple and commonly used in the market. 
It is compatible with:

  • Screen Printing
  • Line Table Printing


It’s Compatible for Simple Embossing


4way/Mesh/Interlock/Speedo/Codura/Windstopper/Pique/Spandex/Dri-fit/Prim knit

Mesh is a layer of only fabric. Which is mostly used inside the Backhand material like Damboo, Latex etc with the lamination of 2-8mm foam. But now it is in trending after the popularity of neoprene backhand. Because it is also compatible for almost all printing types. And also very help full for making the gloves weight light.

  • Sublimation Printing
  • Silicon Printing
  • Screen Printing
  • Rubber Inject Printing
  • Can be embossed with the layer of foam


New Basic is also the very popular latex in the goalkeeper gloves industry like damboo latex. It is also German latex and import from overseas. 

It is soft and flexible latex for goalkeeper gloves. Therefore, It’s costly but very popular among the professional goalies.

It is special because it is available in many colors.

And it is also being highly used in palm. And very popular for palm material.


  • Same as Super Low


  • Same as Super Low Latex